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Frequently asked questions

What is OPTOM.APP?
OPTOM.APP is an online marketplace in Korea that offers a variety of products accessible via our mobile app and website. Enjoy cheap prices and convenient delivery for all your purchases🤗 You can also utilize PAYNET to seamlessly pay for services in Uzbekistan (and soon in CIS countries!)
What payment methods are accepted?
Currently, we accept payments through bank cards issued in Korea (debit or credit cards).
How much is the delivery fee?
We provide nationwide delivery within Korea through mail services at a standard rate of 4,000 won. For orders surpassing 20 kg, there is an additional fee of 4,000 won. Deliveries to Jeju or other islands will incur an extra charge of 2,000 won.
Delivery will be free of charge for purchases exceeding 99,000 won from one seller. Please note that when buying from multiple sellers, delivery fees will be separate for each seller.
What is the estimated delivery time?
We ship your purchases 5 days a week. Orders placed until 3 pm are shipped on the same day and delivered to your doorsteps the following day.
Orders placed after 3 pm on Fridays are shipped on Sundays. Standart delivery time is 1-2 days. Shipments to Jeju-do and other islands can take up to one week.
Do I need a phone number when I want to make a purchase or use PAYNET services?
Yes, sure. This is a mandatory requirement of Korean law.
How to contact Customer support?
The customer service department works with Telegram/WhatsApp/Facebook/Instagram channels and profiles. Our telephone number is 010-4874-8182. We are at your service 24 hours a day.
What makes OPTOM.APP different from other online shops?
Optom is a marketplace where you can discover a diverse range of products from numerous sellers, allowing you to select the cheap prices and best quality products, all accompanied by convenient delivery services.
What is the minimum order quantity?
You can order at least 1 piece/kg and so on. But the more you order, the more discount you can get and save on delivery fees.
What should I do if I encounter a problem with my order?
Please contact our customer support team at 010-4874-8182
Why is my order shipped from multiple locations, and why are delivery fees calculated multiple times?
When you place an order consisting of products from different sellers, each seller ships their part of the order from their respective location. As a result, delivery fees are calculated separately for each seller to accurately reflect the associated shipping costs.
Why is the same product listed with different prices?
The varying prices for the same product can be attributed to different sellers offering the item. Each seller may have their pricing strategy based on factors such as supply chain costs, promotions, or individual business decisions. It's advisable to compare prices from different sellers to find the most competitive offer.
How to change delivery details after I placed the order?
Please contact our customer support team at 010-4874-8182
How can I minimize delivery fees by buying only from one seller?
To reduce delivery costs, you can consolidate your purchases from a single seller. This way, items will be shipped together, minimizing the number of separate deliveries. To do this, on the main page find the sellers list and try browsing products from a single seller by going to seller's profile. On the checkout page, make sure that you selected all products from the same seller.
For orders exceeding 99,000 won from any one seller, the delivery is compeletely free! So you can save delivery fees when you order more products
How to become a seller on Optom platform?
You can become a seller by contacting our customer support team. To find out the details and conditions please call us at 010 4874 8182
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